Stennis Airport Begins North Apron Phase 2
Courtesy of Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission
Stennis is adding 98,450 square feet to its north apron.
The Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission (HCPHC) recently began a concrete apron expansion project at Stennis International Airport.
The $3,057,835 million project will add 98,450 square feet of space to the north apron. Like the aprons and runway throughout the airport, the extension will be able to carry the world’s heaviest planes. The 75-day working period began March 1, 2023, and will conclude June 7, 2023.
“The project will increase operational capacity for aircraft parking for both operators based here and transient traffic coming into the airport,” says Maureen Anderson, Capital Project Manager. “The expanded apron will also allow for future hangar development on Site One as Stennis International continues to build capacity for defense and commercial aviation programs.”
The project was fully funded by a 2023 Federal Aviation Administration Airport (FAA) Improvement Program grant and CARES Act match. It was awarded to Huey P. Stockstill LLC, of Picayune, MS, and is expected to be completed this summer.
“Continued investments in infrastructure at Stennis International Airport will foster an environment for continued growth and development in aviation on the Mississippi Gulf Coast,” says Blaine LaFontaine, HCPHC CEO. “We appreciate the continued support of Congressman Ezell, Sen. Hyde-Smith, Sen. Wicker and the FAA for making the project possible and their support to make Stennis International the cornerstone of Mississippi’s aerospace industry.”