By Josh Stubbs, Director
MDOT Aeronautics

The FY2024 multi-modal grant cycle has wrapped up! While the awards have not been sent to the Mississippi Transportation Commission for approval as of this writing, they should be by the time you’re reading this. The announcement of the awards will follow shortly after Commission approval. There was a total of 38 applications considered, of which 12 were funded. As is typically the case, there were some quality applications that were left unfunded due to the stiff competition and limited funding availability.

That brings me to the newly formed Strategic Multi-Modal Investments Fund that was created by Senate Bill 2559 during the 2023 legislative session. The MDOT Office of Intermodal Planning is hard at work developing the guidelines for the program and the process for awarding funds. There are a lot of unknowns at this point, and I understand that that can lead to apprehension. As we move forward and start nailing things down, I will be sure to keep the association in the loop and solicit feedback where appropriate. I don’t have a timeline for the application cycle to begin, but as a general rule, I’d rather take some time to get it right rather than rush out a half-baked idea. As always, if you have an idea, question or just something you’d like to run by me, feel free to reach out at your convenience.