By Josh Stubbs, Director
MDOT Aeronautics

The first round of Strategic Multi-Modal has wrapped up, and it delivered about $10.5 million to nine airports. Even so, there were a number of good projects that were not able to be funded as there just wasn’t enough to get to all of them. The program was funded again in the 2024 legislative session for state fiscal year 2025. However, it was funded at $10 million rather than the $30 million that was seen in state fiscal year 2024.

With Strategic Multi-Modal in the books, it’s time to focus our efforts on the traditional Multi-Modal program we’ve all come to know and love. The deadline for applications to be submitted was May 31, and the Airport Multi-Modal Committee is scheduled to meet on July 11 to rank applications and award projects. There are a total of 32 applications seeking almost $10.2 million this year, so we will have our work cut out for us as there are a lot of really good projects to be considered.